How do I book services with Mani B. Media?
Visit the “Personal Branding Services” or “Digital Marketing Services” tab to browse service offerings. After browsing of services, book a consultation from the "Book Consultation" tab or various buttons around the site to get started. Be sure to read all information on the "Policies and FAQs" page for an understanding of the policies before booking. If you have questions, please send an inquiry through the contact page BEFORE booking.
How long is turnaround time for a project?
Approximately 7-15 business days for ALL projects after all information is submitted via email. After the “Strategic Branding Consultation”, expect fact sheets or mood boards 2-3 business days after the consultation. Exceptions to these completion timelines for services include but are not limited to an instance where there is more than one round of comments/edits.
What is the process of services?
A “Strategic Branding Consultation” is required in order to book services. The cost for this consultation is non-refundable as it provides initial steps to all processes.
1. Clients must have a consultation before work begins. “Strategic Branding Consultation”. Service packages DO NOT automatically include strategic consultations.
2. After a “Strategic Branding Consultation” is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email from Mani B. Media and a questionnaire to complete prior to the contact to provide a base on where to get started.
3. Post consultation, you will receive a code and password to access the "Shop" or "Plans" page to book the desired service. Imani of Mani B. Media will start work on your service project after payment is confirmed. If account information such as usernames and passwords are needed, Imani will inquire about them via email. Project deliverables will be provided via email in 10-15 business days after the consultation. Deliverables will be provided in PDF, PNG and/or JPEG format.
4. Once the first deliverables are completed, clients are asked to provide one round of comments and/or a 15 minute clarification consultation at no cost to clients. Two or more rounds of edits and consultations past the allotted 15 minutes will result in an additional fee.
5. When both the client and Mani B. Media are happy, final files will be released to the client! Make sure to tag Mani B. Media when posting and refer your friends :)
Do I have to sign off on any terms and conditions?
When payment is submitted to Mani B. Media, this serves as your acknowledgement and your agreement to all information covered in the FAQs/policy page.
How do I pay for services provided?
All services must be paid through and the services have to be paid in full prior to work starting.
What payment methods do you accept at checkout?
Mani B. Media offers two forms of payment: credit or debit card and the PayPal server (you do not have to have a PayPal account to process payments through this server, if you prefer PayPal but don't have an account, simply choose the guest checkout option to enter your debit/credit card information).
Do you accept electronic transfer applications for payment?
We do not accept Cash App, Apple Pay, Zelle, or other payment applications as forms of payment.
Project services can be cancelled at any time, however the fees paid for services are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Does Mani B. Media provide refunds?
Under no circumstances will a refund be provided after a service or services have been started.
How can we communicate with Mani B. Media?
All communication with Mani B. Media will be completed via email after the initial consultation call completed via a phone call or web video conferencing application (i.e. Zoom, Webex or Skype). All business will be completed through written communication to ensure both parties requests and requirements are met.
What if I need additional conversation time past my hour limit?
If additional phone time is needed past our initial consultation, you may schedule a free 15 minute clarification call after purchasing your service. Additional time outside of the 15 minutes will result in $10 per 5 minutes.
What is the response time for inquiries?
Please allow up to 72 hours for a response from Mani B. Media.
What are Mani B. Media’s hours of operation?
Mani B. Media operates Monday - Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Weekends and holidays are off. Any contacts, bookings or requests placed outside of business hours will be responded to within 48 hours from the booking time.
Mani B. Media is not responsible for use of information after transfer to the client is completed. The information featured on and social platforms is based on personal knowledge obtained and lessons taught from various experts. Advice is given based on optimal circumstances and should be taken as such. Information provided is given in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.